Brisbane Organic Growers Annual Fair is on this Sunday - 4th October at The Peace hall, 102 McDonald Rd, Windsor between 9am and 3pm. The hall is located directly under the Albion Overpass near the Albion Railway Station so wont be difficult to find! Many aspects of organic growing will be present...with over 60 stalls... there's sure to be good food and coffee as well as and a whole host of "how to" demonstrations. This event is free and well worth a detour if you are going to be in Brisbane Sunday. I know where i'll be at 9am anyway ...beating the heat, getting a look-in first thing! I want to investigate the rare and endangered species and seed-savers stalls! Click Here to find out more about this organisation.

Do you want to grow your own fruit and vegetables without chemicals, hormones, synthetic herbicides/pesticides, and exclude genetically modified foods from your diet? Then our club might be right for you, as BOGI aims to:
- Encourage people to use organic methods in their gardens
- Stop using chemicals fertilisers and toxins
- Care for the soil through composting, worm farming, mulching, re-using and recycling waste and living environmentally sustainably.
- Create a healthy ecosystem so natural predators are encouraged and plants are strong enough to resist attack from pest and diseases.
- Produce healthy plants that will resist disease and be safer for human consumption.
- Encourage native wildlife through reducing the use of dangerous chemicals
- Encourage nature through planting native species to encourage insects, frogs, birds and all wildlife that are part of our biodiversity.
- Ensure that water from all sources is economically used to sustain all plantings.
- Encourage less waste in our garbage by recycling it into compost
- Grow plants with companion plants which deter pests.