a warm
thank you
thank you
to Robyn Gordon,
South African based,
a lively and
a lively and
passionate artist
working on carved
wooden totems
and panels.

Experiment by Robyn Gordon
This morning I received a note to say Seed pod inspiration story was posted. Robyn had made contact re using images with various other artists working with this source of inspiration. So I am delighted to find my clan... or more precisely... to be included with this fine company in a wonderful Post. Thank you Robyn...there's so much to explore at this post and something fresh to bring to the Homage to the seed blog!

Wild dagga, Leonotis leonorus
Art Propelled is exciting to explore for many reasons - seeing what Robyn is working on is always a treat, but there are posts on books she loves, interiors, places she visits like this image above taken at the Drakensberg Mountains of KwaZulu. Her features of artists are broad-reaching and excellent and I find her African sensibility draws her to post things that have a particularly of the earth feel to them... ancient, dimensional, rich, but also various and unexpected at times.
Here's something from Dec 4 2008...

Swans nest maze, 40 m dimeter earthwork. Read more here.
I'll finish with the last image on her seed pod story... from the Omo tribe, body paint and decorations. Photo by Hans Silvester.

Seeds - the essence of life. Enjoyed seeing your work. Robyn always finds the most interesting threads of art to follow along.
Lovely to have you visit Leslie ... I love the worlds that open up through various parts of the blogosphere. I was readin gt he post on the Danish artist at your blog the other night and enjoying your quotes and work and the ambience of your blog so much...
and Robyn
s too is such a wonderful entry point into another continent!
Robyn brings me to all sorts of interesting people.
I am finding your blog fascinating, my father who died many, many years ago was Professor of Botany in Adelaide, and I dont think I have ever been far from botanical things.
What a fascinating time growing up you must have had with his influence Penny ...loely to hear form you!
i just came over from Robyn's blog and how wonderful to see you both linking up like this! great posts on both blogs! that photo by silverster is just wonderful!!
This was most pleasant to wake up today and discover the company in other artists working with seedpods and such.... thanks to Robyn weaving this story together.
I do love reading these kinds of features -and it was a pleasant surprise Ca!.
Caio bella,
You've gathered a fascinating collection of images in this post, Sophie. And congratulations on your inclusion in the "Seed Pod Inspiration" post; it's great to see your work along with that of others working with similar ideas.
Thank you Altoon!
Its been such an immensely busy week or two - so its not been easy to find time to blog or think about posts.
I therefore appreciated being taken away from what I was focusing on to read this lovely post and see what others were doing with this source material.
Robyn certainly provides a fascinating portal to her part of the world!
sohpie, what would i do without you! what a great, inspiring post! i love every image here, and checked out Robyn's pages too. thanks! wow, those are some crazy flowers!
Hi Em,
hope you are feeling up and out there again! Wasn't this lovely ..a trip to South Africa so to speak!
Loved the collection Robyn put together ... and am delighted you came for the trip too...
love the orange set against the landscape in that flora image! Not surprised you like that one!
S x
Loving your seed pod work - gorgeous sketches and colorful ovals. I really like your 'experimental one' it's bursting open with color!
Wonderful that you were featured in Robyn's post - well deserved!
Lovely to have you visit Beverly!
Like that you call yourself a colour enthusiast...which indeed you are...enjoyed visiting your gorgeous blog very much!
Appreciate your warm comments and good to hear you liked that one that's 'bursting open' - it helps to give things a chance to develop and hear from someone else...
Robyn did a great job of putting that post together - thank you!
I will be thinking of you at your event on June 6th! Oh Sophie, it sounds so lovely, and how I wish I could attend. How wonderful this is... xo
Hello my friend janis,
thanks you for you warm message... i must get my camera ready ... memory card is full ... photos in the japanese gardens will be worth taking. Some lovely people have RSVP so this is making the anticipation even stronger.
Would be lovely to have you there sipping a cup of tea!
Yes...the south african connection was a delight!
S xo
Dear Sophie,
Your blog is growing by leaps and bounds and I am very, very proud of you. Even the number of followers has grown significantly.
I noticed 'World Environment Day' of which I did not know anything and will see what Google can find as I feel I should be blogging about it, but then that is today; so it will be next year. However I wish I could be there with you.
Just recently I discovered a video on-line about the Omo People and it has been very inspirational.
Wishing you all the very best,
Dear Egmont,
how wonderful to hear from you this morning after your time out and recent experiences!!!
What a beautiful message...I am honoured.
I posted quite a bit on WED at the Homage blog...I ran a special event yesterday at the gardens that was absolutely wonderful. You would definitely have loved it!
Must google the Omo people...
Wishing you much strength and energy to see you through your recovery.
Delighted to have a special visit from you... knowing this is not easy right now!
And my very best wishes to you too!
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