That's how the saying goes and of course its quite true.
circular cotton-rag paper with lino-printed seed capsules |
February arrived and I put up the show...
people came...
wonderful conversations ensued...
ideas were exchanged...
friendships reconnected with...
new ones sparked...
artworks went to new homes...
events were held and all went swimmingly...
Friends popped in... pomegranate tea or coffee was offered,
good conversations made the experience all the
more enjoyable and thought-provoking! Thanks D! |
tasty morsels were shared |
a friend just back from visiting family in South Africa
was adorned with gorgeous handmade things from
home... if you look closely you will notice the portrait
on the bag below. This photo does not do justice at all
to the patterning on cloth, bag, jewellery nor my lovely
friend whose appreciation for art is such an inspiration!
Now I am following up on tasks that arise from all this wonderful exchange. Slowly but surely I'm working my way through thanks-you's, queries and links.
Soon its going to be moving time.
First the Studio I've inhabited these past nine months will be packed up...
Then my home will be next...
although we are not sure how that might play out.
So things are going into a fascinating transition period but I am more or less ready for that now... if not packed!
What I did happily manage to do last week is something that I find all too easily falls by the wayside... photographing the show... I even filmed it on the last day... although its yet to be uploaded.
I found a wonderful tumblr template here at
Pouretrebelle and chose to change my
Fascination of plants tumblr to one of the templates called
Daeron which I rather llked for a change.
The one I selected to upload the exhibition online was
Artemesia for its wonderful horizontal reading and constant-scrolling facility. It seemed closest to that feeling of walking into a show and gazing along the walls to view the works as they come into view.
Take a peak at the artshow here:
Recent Art Online ... You might find a few late night mistakes here and there ... but I'm glad to have a record of the show and most details documented and in one place for easy viewing!
I have new Limited Edition prints available. It is possible to see what's on offer if you simply
make an query here. I'll be letting all know if an online-shop is set up... the coming changes make that less likely for now!
The recent use of my
artwork on the cover of The People's Food Plan for the
Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance generated some interest the week before the artshow and led to orders coming from Interstate through the AFSA membership which was wonderful. Its an exciting venture being run by an amazingly committed volunteer base from all kinds of sectors and backgrounds ...academics, farmers, promotors of Urban ag initiatives, lawyers, teachers... you name it. Dr Carol Richards, key speaker at the 2nd Biodiversity Dialogue event I ran was the brains behind the idea to link my artwork on Seeds with this project she has been heavily involved with for some time.

We are cooking up other possible ventures we might undertake now... its been such an enjoyable process brought forward by running the Dialogue events. Collaborations that grow from broadening the conversations are invaluable in many ways... not the least just working with good people and gaining much from the stimulation of that. Solo painting time has its wonderful elements, especially as a chance to think and listen to good radio and such ... but I have to say this exhibition brought together some excellent people, brilliant ideas and experiences, and I am ever so delighted to have started 2013 in this way... particularly with the period of change about to commence. I'm taking so much with me when I leave the studio that will enrich the journey this year... no matter what it brings!
Now available as a LIMITED EDITION Print.
Sophie Munns
Black Bean Pods,
lino print on paper
50 cm x 70 cm
During the Cairns Botanic Gardens Residency in Sept-Oct 2012 the artist visited Djumbunji Press where master printmaker Elizabeth Hunter provided simple lino-cutting materials and space to work. Further experiments with lino were carried out in the Residence studio. This approach was decidedly low tech and painterly… lino-printing put in the service of providing a repeatable motif and joyously played with in a series of works .
NOW AVAILABLE: Limited Edition print for $265 large format ( 60 x 80 cm ) or $135 small ( 30 x 40 cm)
Plus Postage and Handling