Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day Two: Cairns Residency!

Its wonderful weather in Cairns this week... 
I've decided to post at the Homage to the Seed blog on this residency which commenced with a early morning arrival at Cairns Airport yesterday  .... at 1am!  

Here are a few images (taken in June on the quick trip to see where I would spend this month!.) 

I will be getting abut on foot, bike and bus this month! The residency is next to the Botanic Gardens... so the perfect set up!

Out the back....

The downstairs studio which I can spread out in!

I'm going now to gather seeds and pods in the garden.. so be sure to visit the homage to the seed blog over the next month and I will pop in here when I can! 

S x


  1. so looking forward to following your path in cairns

  2. that studio looks like a wonderful place to spread out and work... we do love space when it comes to creation... and the garden will be a wonderful source of inspiration for you... x

  3. how's wishing you a splendid and productive time in the land of the warm and sunnies

  4. Thanks indeed Velma... will be a busy time. Now have my bike to get me around. 30C today... and no humidity... perfecto!

    Space indeed Cat...have the whole house to myself at the moment...upstairs and down! So much to drink in here... phew! x

    Thank you India ... certainly need my sunnies and glad to say off to a good start and running!

  5. How awesome!!!!Wishing you the greatest residency!(is there such a thing?)I will hop over to your other blog to keep up with the news.xx

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