Friday, September 21, 2012


I've had a wonderful day at the Botanic Gardens here in Cairns. Yesterday I spoke at a meeting of the gardeners and let them know I am on the look out for Rainforest fruits, pods, seed capsules and such and today at lunchtime I walked over to the staff precinct and collected what had been gleaned this morning. I was shown the propagating nurseries where I snapped away on the camera and will download later.

Visit the Homage blog to see photos later!

I have cut and past an excerpt below from Things magazine from the V & A Museum people. When I was an avid blogger (shame to admit other things waylay me these days more than I'd like... making my blogs less busy than they once were!) I came across Things Magazine and found more than enough to satisfy my love of the eclectic.

From Maps of Relief at things Magazine:

Relief maps of the Western Front at the Australian War Memorial. Related, 3D relief maps made at The Cutting Room, who have an impressive portfolio ofprojects / Seed Capsules, a tumblr by Sophie Munns / Why I secretly recorded my life / architectural photographer Grant Smith blogs about photographic freedom and other things / art by Anu Tuominen / ‘Someday All the Adults Will Die‘: Punk Graphics 1971 – 1984, an exhibition at the Hayward Gallery / illustration by Kate Fenley / Stupefaction, a music blog / the vinyl vs CDs vs mp3s vs cassettes debate rumbles on.

Relief maps of the Western Front at the Australian War Memorial.

Speaking of Maps....
Typographic literary map of San Francisco.
From Cartophile
I like Maps... so if you visit the Pinterest Board from my site you can see what I've pinned under 'Navigating'. 

Journal Cover Tutorial by Vikki Stewart of Sew Useful Designs
Click here
Time to sign off now...
Have a lovely weekend all!

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