Friday, September 7, 2012

yes... new postcards!

a few new postcards and some older designs...

                        every now and then something calls for a new design...

And postcards are the go-to affordable, mini printed artwork that allows us to take something home. 

Every card has a story and is a loaded vessel of thought in a way... the back of each card contains relevant links so someone could, if they wanted, find you later ... or take a peek at one's blog or website.

Come and see me Saturday, Sept 8th if you want to pick up a selection of cards.... $2 ea or 3 for $5.  If you're in OZ I can post to you for a little extra.... let me know! 

Ha! I am still fund-raising for this next big project initiative up north... I'll start offering to sell the books off my shelves and god knows what next. I have been known to get retail-happy in the past and sell off presents for the family when admired by visitors to my studio. I was forgiven... my brother was keener on store bought than sister-made gifts!

See the post below (older)  for the news from an earlier posting tonight!


  1. They look marvelous. Hope you sell out. xox

  2. thanks Corrine...
    as you can see I am yet to graduate from "online retailing 101" ...still more comfortable with the face to face....some and see my studio scenario. One day!

    Mlle P .... thank you indeed!

  3. ooo.... these look great! Happy fundraising!

  4. Love your cards Sophie and your work in your previous posts looks very exciting, I'm sure you'll do well.

  5. Valerrianna... so caught up it took me a week to post anything up... thanks for the lovely comment!

    thank you indeed... one needs time for doing these things that for sure!

  6. they look fabulous! did you have them printed at Moo? been thinking about doing this... x

  7. HI Cat...
    not Moo...even though I did covet what they do!
    Vistaprint... I find them excellent... only trap is not having a perfectly aligned layout when I first did cards... but you learn from mistakes.
    I always seem to make them late at be extra careful with spelling and layout...and you'll be laughing.

    Its one of those things you'll have to do and learn...getting your way around their online ordering takes some doing first time... but is not hard ...just laborious!
    The new cards had no mistakes and were a sign of lessons learned! And people love to buy them!
    Go for it Cat!

  8. Dear Sophie, your postcards are vibrant! Do you have any left? How can I order some?

  9. Carole,
    Despite not being on Etsy etc Ive now got an arrangement for selling Prints and postcards to order through my brother's Picture Hanging System business.
    No announcements yet as I'm about to decamp to the north for residency.... but... we started with the OPEN STUDIO weekend as I showed some of my work displayed on his hanging system. I will write to you and fill in the details.

  10. Carole,
    Despite not being on Etsy etc Ive now got an arrangement for selling Prints and postcards to order through my brother's Picture Hanging System business.
    No announcements yet as I'm about to decamp to the north for residency.... but... we started with the OPEN STUDIO weekend as I showed some of my work displayed on his hanging system. I will write to you and fill in the details.

  11. They look amazing Sophie. I wish you all the best with all your new adventures;-)

  12. Thank you Annamaria... because the postcards are produced over three different years they are a mixed bunch.
    thanks for the warm wishes!

  13. I love the image of each card being a "loaded vessel of thought"

  14. Thanks Margaret ...when I ponder making these postcards I recall they start with well-considered intentions, days getting into the right headspace, finding imagery that can work on various levels + not lose potency when reduced to a small image on a humble postcard.
    The distilling process is essential and perhaps in writing about the postcards here I have reminded myself of their 'art' value. Its all too easy to think only of one's one-off works as vehicles of integrity ... and anything "mass" produced as commercial therefore lacking.
    Curiously 20 years ago I spent a couple of years making art cards that over time gained a wide response through boutique venues, Art museum shops and fine book stores. The designs for those cards were very much the core of my art thinking at the time... some very concentrated themes that essentially evolved into my 'homage to the seed' project.
    I remain interested in how ideas can be distilled into the visual with supporting text thus becoming a 'loaded vessel of thought'.
    Lovely to hear from you!

  15. do you still have postcards available, and how do I buy them please? (I am in Australia)


  16. Lovely to hear from you Melanie.
    Yes...postcards are available...I'l pop over to find your email and send you a note.


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