Tuesday, November 2, 2010

between 2 work sites...

busy , busy  busy.... what more can be said!

untitled as yet.... 1m sq

unttled as yet... 1 m sq

Seed lab maths -  45 x 45 cm sq

seed species tags

postcard design

 back soon I hope!


  1. i knew it, i knew it....all nice things for different reasons (which is you know, very cool - because you cover so many bases) but number one up there.....

    oh SOPHIE! OH MY!!!!!!!! so wish i could see it in person. such a sensitive and dynamic investigation.

    and the last one - the post card design - though i have seen it or similar before - still very lovely feel like i'm looking through a microscope or telescope at the cosmos. rock on girlfriend!

  2. Made my day Mlle Bourgoeis!!!
    You are good at finding words to give that "look at it from this perspective perspective.... thank you you! I'm grateful... its been a process... a leap of faith to go it this way... not stay safe and neatly predictable.
    the microscope has had its way with my imagination...
    yes... that postcard has an image i worked into a little more hence its familiar and yet not quite... you're spot on! telescope too... all those new science mags i read when I was sub. teaching back in the noughties and needed some serious distraction ...nothing like macro & micro to do that!
    smiling here!

  3. Wow, wonderful work in your studio, these pieces have so much going on in them, I have to take some time to explore. xox Corrine

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. oh.. thank you Corrine... lovely to have you visit and leave thoughts... much appreciated...hope to be back visiting others soon...its been a time for focusing in Im afraid!
    S xx

  6. 'Untitled as yet' 1 & 2 are wonderful - you're a master of colour and form!
    And thanks for posting those incredible Small Worlds images over on 'homage to the seed' - I'm not feeling very eloquent at the moment so all I'll say is WOW!

  7. Okay, so I am totally blown away! The top two amaze me with the amount of time, energy, and focus that they must have taken to make!!!

    Quilts, plaid,patterns,seeds, DNA, bacteria, and viewing it all through a screen or lattice.

    I like Mlle. Paradis' microscope idea. Makes so much sense with the photos of the seeds. Then I start thinking about microscope slides. Those itty bitty worlds that exist. A place that the human eye can't see. Lands just waiting to be discovered.

    Thank you for letting us into your world Sophie!

  8. All that busyness is paying off!

    It's amazing when the doing takes hold, the mind get a chance to get still and we become a creative conduit, and beauty, joy and perfection just pours out of us.

    I love these new outpourings.


  9. Hello Suzanne,
    Thank you for delightful comments that are appreciated indeed... Touching!
    WOW is most adequate I think... sometimes that's enough!
    It was great to be sent that link!

    Hi Mary,
    really liked reading your reading of that larger work... ..do you remember the plaids (which I called tartans)... and the various things I put up in the studio when I moved into it... and commented at that time that I had not done with that work even though it was from 3 or more years ago...I'd had a huge series of disruptions which split my studio life into "before" and "after" and this recent studio opportunity has allowed for time and space to go back and pull key things from then into the present work...so you named those things well!
    And you know what happens when you start focusing on certain things ... you see it everywhere... that microscope viewing was so enthralling that its with me all the time at the moment...
    thanks for your generous comments and for coming into this world today!
    S xx

    lovely words...thank you for visiting and leaving me these juicy thoughts... your feedback is really valued ... its been good t have a chance to do the outpouring things I can tell you!

  10. j'aime beaucoup tes créations, c'est vraiment interressant ce que tu fais!

  11. Merci!
    ps love the beautiful images at your blog!

  12. Sophie! You have been busy. I LOVE all the things you are doing. Just beautiful. And I'm really quite adoring those little tags.

  13. Hi Jacylin,
    lovely to hear from you!
    I have not been finding time of late to visit eveyone... so Im appreciative that you have taken time to pop in... and with this lovely comment.

  14. Sophie, your work is fabulous, I really love the microscopic look of the post card and your tags are wonderful!!

  15. Hi Caterina,
    lovely to hear from you... just sobusy at the moment..not getting to visit anyone at the moment...
    good o have your feedback!
    S x

  16. what great paintings! do you sell them? maybe drop me a line about that, if you have time...

  17. Thanks Em... appreciate your words...
    they are for sale... I'll drop you a line... have a great week!

  18. So many things going on in your life. What a fabulously productive year you've had! Such beautiful paintings, sketches, everything!!! Good luck with the final celebrations! Gloria

  19. Thank you my blogging friend.
    I have been non-stop for a month and really pretty much the whole year.
    I just took all the homage postcards out and re-photographed them this week...I so enjoyed looking at your three gorgeous cards again Gloria. I wish I could include you all in the celebrations here...


Thanks for leaving your comment!