Sunday, October 31, 2010

just quickly....

... as you might know I have been so busy of late I put the 'gone fishing' sign on the door so to speak at my last post!  Well yes...the fish are jumping... but not so much that I cant pop in here tonight and leave a quick hello. I found something I saved recently...and how ever did i track this I could not say... 

... from Jules at Joyful Studio a little something to savour from Louise Bourgeois.

"Art is a guarantee of sanity. That is the most important thing I have said." 
--Louise Bourgeois

and from Ocean of mind:

"A writer - and, I believe, generally all persons - must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. All things have been given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. All that happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments, all is given to us as raw material, as clay, so that we may shape our art."

— Jorge Luis Borges
•  29 October 2010

wishing everyone a lovely weekend and good creating!


  1. Thank you for such important quotes...have a great week!

  2. wonderful post Sophie! nice to see you popped back into the blogosphere, even if for a short visit! xo

  3. Great quotes! Good luck with all your busyness!

  4. Delightful t wake p to visitps this morning...

    thankyou... good gritty quotes I agree!

    missing you all I can tell you!
    take care,
    S xo

    lovely to hear from you...and thanks!

  5. hi sophie!!!! i have always wanted to be l. bourgeois when i growed up! great post re: both.

    DID NOT REALIZE that this is really the long haul for you.....till December! yes, though i know, whenever i prepared for a show it was usually three months full on with no time for anything else. must stay in the zone.....

    bon courage, bon travail - know the results will be aMAZing!

  6. Shall i call you Louise Paradis... or perhaps...Mlle Bourgeois ...the latter i think!!!!

    So Mlle bourgeois ...thank you for your wonderful encouragement.... its accepted gratefully!
    More soon!
    S x

  7. thanks for popping in Robyn,
    have a good week!


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