Thursday, October 11, 2012

Opening on tomorrow evening!

It was a busy yet quite wonderful day today! More on that below.

Tomorrow, the Show I've been working towards for a time, esp for this past month ... will be opened by guest speaker, Scientist Rosemary Hill. I'm so looking forward to seeing some of the wonderful people Ive met here who'll be attending the evening opening... or perhaps popping in over the weekend when I will be at the Gallery before heading back to Brisbane next week.


Read more information here. Friday 12th October, from 6pm and 10 till 4pm on the weekend I'll be around

One thing I wanted to achieve before I left was to get up to Daintree National Park and see a new friend Sheryl who was a Park Ranger up there and is now an artist and involved in a wonderful Indigenous Art project at Mossman Gorge, in a truly beautiful part of the world.

Only arrived back home at 9pm and am looking at the long list of to-do's for tomorrow so there's no time to download photos now of the spectacular tour through the World Heritage listed Rainforest.

seed material from June trip to this region

Recent seed material gathered with the help of Gardens friends

Just looking through my photos realising how many I've yet to resize for blogging since I've been in Cairns. The fantasy of posting most days soon dawned on me. 

One feels so ambitious at the start of the residency... then  come delays and challenges and soon time seems to be there is an earnest attempt to pull off hoped for outcomes!

Hello to all..,

back soon with some great photos I promise!
S x


  1. these are gorgeous pics - look forward to the ones that come.

  2. Oh, so exciting, Sophie. I've been thinking of you lately, wondering how you were etc....and now i know. I hope (know) tomorrow eve will be fabulous, as always I wish I could beam myself there.

  3. your seeds are so very exotic... and looking forward to your tour photos.. xx

  4. Congratulations on your upcoming exhibition! These two photos of your seed collecting are fascinating...I'll wait for even more!

  5. good luck with the opening - looking forward to seeing more deliciously seedy pics (love those vibrant pink ones!)

  6. All the best with your opening

  7. Hope you have/had a wonderful opening! Love the work on linen. Cheers, Sophie!!

  8. Congratlatiosn Sophie!!!!Have a fabulous opening.Wishing I could be there. Looking forward to details and photos;-)

  9. Hello all you darling visitors...
    Can hardly keep my eyes open.... big day!
    Wonderful night indeed. Will post pics VERY Soon!

  10. Sophie, very good luck with this exhibition. I know it is the culmination of lots of study and hard work so it should be a great success. I love that recurring seed pod motif of yours and I bet the people who come will do the same. How could they not?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. thank you Lesley...
    and to all bloggy friends!
    I'll finish taking images of work today while I am in the gallery.
    This has been the most satisfying exhibition of my work as the curating is, to my way of thinking, quite superb...and the gallery is surrounded by rainforest and all the species I work with are found in this region.
    Its been blissful, hard work and I am very tired but delighted.

  13. Your blog is more interesting, congratulations. Kisses from Spain.


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