Saturday, August 18, 2012

come and visit soon!

More soon...

but before you go... pop down to the previous post to read about a future thinking woman!


  1. I'll be with you in spirit - good luck!

  2. THanks so much Ronnie...
    The wish for Luck is most appreciated...
    Its important to keep things afloat... like to say I was rolling in grant $... but no...Ive taken the bold step of resuming Painting full time at the moment to be ready for exhibiting in Cairns. So attracting the eye of an responsive audience will be more than encouraging... keeping the wolf from the door so to speak.... and the wolf is a little too close to the door just now.

  3. OH, I'd come... but there are a few oceans and continents in the way.... have a great time!

  4. Soooo many land and water masses between our studios. Lovely to hear from you Valerianna!
    Hope that the days in the studio are still frequent... I guess work will be getting intense again too!

  5. Wonderful announcement...good luck with the fun studio opening! This is such a grand project and since 2010, quite a journey!

  6. Merci Maryanne!
    I'm laughing just thinking about life since 2010.

    The project's momentum has dragged me kicking and screaming over hill and dale, mocking my tendencies to Cancerian shyness and not taking career risks. WHile things are go go go I sign on for the next thing and then when the quiet time comes I wonder who the hell had the audacity to do that. I go into my cave again and look at what that other person did and think OMG!
    So the announcement ... as in this flyer above .... always signifies getting into my "out there" garb and leaving the cave... In the busy-ness one then forgets the resistance and the show goes on and fun is had!

    What a cycle... do you do this?

  7. Congratulations did it!! Enjoy the limelight. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  8. I'm chuckling to myself Mary-Helen... its the
    "i think I can" mantra... and yes... you've got to inwardly cheer when milestones and challenges are met... so thanks for cheering me on!

  9. All the best for your open studio, Sophie! I wish I could just hop on over but since I can't I will be there in spirit.

  10. would love to swing in
    but shall be in London
    earning my own keep

    hope it's a good one!

  11. Best, best, for your open studio days, Sophie! Wish I could be there-
    I am sure there is lots of wonderful painting going on in that studio right now. At least we can hope for some photos-right?Have fun;)

  12. Well thank you Ms India...
    You'd be most welcome if in town...but London does sound like a very good place to earn one's keep.
    Good travelling!

  13. Photos... yes I must Annamaria. Falling behind with that of late.
    T'would be so lovely to have your company... and how good would it be to have our blogger friends in each of out studios see in our work in the flesh.
    My brother's wife visited last week...she lives in another city and it was so helpful having her feedback... she told me about some work in her house that gets a lot of comment and so I took her advice and did more work on that theme yesterday.
    Where would be be without others who take an interest and help us see what we sometimes cant see!
    Have a lovely week!


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