Saturday, July 28, 2012

Friday night at home doing as little as possible!

I didn't realise how tired I was getting painting for a deadline of late. Last night it was 4am before the lights went out after driving home from rather long hours in the studio. Fell asleep a few times today in the middle of tasks... not good... so came home and more or less flaked... tonight I'm enjoying doing whatever... in no rush! Have tidied up my website, finally downloaded 2012 paintings and created some order. Hurrah!

just loving these colours... and working on linen!

Pop over to the new 2012 slideshow of artworks on this fresh website page.

Now I wish to say hello to all the lovely new people coming by... or following... My very best to you....!

Sending a warm cheerio to the lovelies who stop and comment... your are esp wonderful for not minding my less than prompt reciprocation.

The week has had its social moments too... monday morning started with a visit to the State Library with a group of paper and book artists organised by a dear friend Marilena. We saw a collection of artists books with a botanical theme... like this book below. Helen Cole was a wonderful host of the morning and I was delighted to have started the week with this visit.

Lorenzo De' Medici (1449 – 1492)
William T. Wiley (b. 1937)
Mimmo Paladino (b. 1948)
Jorg Schmeisser (b. 1942)
Anthony Oldcorn (b. 1935)
Carnival songs
New York: Raphael Fodde Editions, 2001
Edition: 29 of 60 copies
Australian Library of Art,
State Library of Queensland

The Monday night class is going very well... wonderful discussions I must say... stories that surprise. More on that later... I have a feeling we are on a fascinating journey together.

Tuesday morning another dear friend who works and lectures in the Mining and Sustainability sector filled me in on the latest news over coffee in the studio. I never imagined that in my 50's I spend quite this much time discussing mining with female friends... never saw that coming! Corinne Unger undertook a Churchill Fellowship in 2009 to research what is being done globally to address post Mining issues in particular. She organised a conference here recently at UQ (University of Qld) and the Canadians who attended were horrified at the disastrously backward Australian Governent Legislation re Mining. China appears to have tighter controls ... certainly higher bonds than we do here.

Wednesday evening was a delicious home-cooked dinner with an artist friend with whom I painted a mural earlier this year... a wonderful project Karen Cipressi coordinated... I hope to go to the Sept opening ... more on that later.
Today Nicki Laws was visiting from the Darling Downs and came by with some amazing botanical specimen from her farm. She filled me in on recent projects over morning coffee and also more sobering Mining news affecting so many up there. Ive posted on that a number of times at the Homage blog.
Next week I hope to catch up with Roz Hawker who has a wonderful new blog... Roz hosted the excellent Dorothy Caldwell workshop I went to in May and will be doing more workshops in the coming months herself. I shall look forward to hearing from her about Melbourne workshops.

I shall post a few images here for a change from my tumblr sites... I keep three now... one general: Seed Capsules, one for (my) artwork: Studio Archive and one for seeds and plants: From one small Seed. I find it's no more complicated than having one tumblr as you simply click which site you want to post on from a central control panel.

Here are images via: From one small seed


Brownea stamens glow in the bright light by jungle mama on Flickr.
Via here:
                                         Brownea stamens glow in the bright light by jungle mama on Flickr.


そんなあなたに - ユーカリ・マクロカルパ
via here

From the studio archive tumblr:


vis Here.


sophiemunns: ‘quiet’   2005, acrylic on paper
via here 

I forgot the title of this work I did around 2005... but do remember the day someone found it and decided to buy it... an interesting conversation lingers in my memory!

... and from Seed Capsules which I post on intermittently - so much inspiration lives here:

Look at the archives to see what I mean...

from here


(via enhabiten: small pictures)
via here.

Pala Grief: via here


via here.


Jeffrey Decoster, Spill Book
via here.


These mail art collab cards will be going out in the mail this week to be finished by people all over the US and overseas.
via here


Hitomi Hiraoka, No. 17
(via 酒器 no.17 - 平岡瞳のイラスト作品集 Hiraoka Hitomi Illustration)
via here.


Painter’s Palette Inscribed with the Name of Amenhotep III, ca. 1390–1353 B.C. (via The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
via here ...
love the colours in this palette ;

well.... its late once again and time for me to say goodnight...
wishing you a great weekend everyone!


  1. A whole world of lovelies in this post Sophie. You sound (and look) busy, excited, full of energy, bubbling away creatively! Love following your artistic roamings;)
    Actually, now that I said that I realize your artwork always has that sense of quick and expansive energy.
    Have a lovely weekend;)

  2. oh my you are so very busy... wonderful new work and lots of links to check out! fabulous! x

  3. Thank you! I've been moving about saying wooo and ahhhh on this post! Yes, you have been busy and it shows...wonderful images, wonderful news of classes and reads as if coffee dates are special beyond the coffee! I will return and follow your lead to the other blogs, and tumblrs. Bravo!

  4. hugs to you all... back to see the day now!

  5. Love your new works and great photos with links, must go and check then out.

  6. it's been too long since I've popped by. You always serve up the most delicious things.

    I have a whole tool bar lines up with links now.

  7. annamaria says it for me! mutz for you anytime miss!

  8. Thanks girls... I have actually made a point of visiting all of your blogs today to leave messages... plus cooked fennel soup and a Beef and Barley soup with veg as well... sunny weather but perfect for hanging our at home even thought the studio calls.

    Cheers Ro...
    LOVED Paris Grrl..and that workshop you attended...
    I am coming for Mutz pronto... in my dreams MlleP !
    S xo

  9. Nice post Sophie,

    My goodness! You have been busy. I adored this post. So many gorgeous and juicy images. Now I am off to some of the links.



  10. hi sophie, sorry to have been gone so long! what a wonderful turn your work has taken this year! i love the pieces with colbalt blue, with the contrast they just shine! i'd love a scarf like that! but i wandered over to your art site and just am blown away by your new work. looks like you are having a great year. i am lacking time and new inspiration for my blog, which has been going for 6 years or so.

    we are traveling to california again to see in laws... maybe i'll bring the camera.

    btw, what is that acorn like thing with the pink stamens> is it real? take care,


  11. Hi Mary,
    not getting much computer time at the moment... so nearly forgot to check over here. thanks for visiting and enjoy the painting over there!

  12. Hi Em, Dont worry...know how you feel about running out of time for blogging. Yes ...take your camera...never know what you will find through the lens of a camera.
    6 years blogging ...well done!
    Thanks for lovely comments! Space to paint... have been spending long hours there. Sure swallows up time...but yes...things progress.
    That acorn-like thing is a gum nut blossom... flowering gum as in Eucalypt. They are exquisite and often smell heaven too.
    all good things to you Em!


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