Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Clear, fresh mountain stream in the Rainforest that meets the sea!

This is my second last morning in the Wet Tropics before I fly home tomorrow night. Its the dead of winter and 27 degrees C today. I'm staying in the residence where I will live and work during the spring residency up here.

Its been brilliant and of course I have taken many photos ...but alas! Falling asleep at the computer trying to sort them all this morning. I have picked just three to post today and then I have to skip to it and visit the Australian Tropical Herbarium just 20 mins north.

I was up pre-dawn and went to the shorefront thinking it would be a nice day for an early morning beach walk. But no... it was drizzling I went to the Regional Art Gallery cafe and wrote a letter and enjoyed coffee and toast...then had a quick visit to the waterside.

Still early I will get going....

but first...

These photos are from Mossman Gorge...  I must write more on this place where I took quite a number of photos. I went there Saturday and found an impressive Aboriginal Cultural Centre had just opened 4 days before. 

Then on Monday I met a wonderful local indigenous person in Cairns who had been a ranger in this Gorge for some years and is now working in an Arts Project there. Sheryl offered to take me walking up there on my return visit...and compare notes about our art... so I am delighted to have a chance to spend time up there in such fine company.

PS the water wasn't too cold and Sheryl assures me that crocodiles don't travel up over the rocky river into the cool mountain water. Next time I'll swim! It was a stunning place to visit and much to learn here from the indigenous community.

Hope you are having a good week everyone!
Sophie x
      ....Go to the studio archives blog for images from the new journal!


  1. I love this sacred part of the Australian landscape. Thank you for sharing. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. stunning and crystal clear.. so nice to know that about crocs! not that I will have to worry about that mind you!! ha! hope your week is a good one too! x

  3. Mary Helen,
    lovely to hear from you!
    I always forget to ask you if you grew up here or just came on a long holiday once upon a time!
    Sophie x

    Hi Cat,
    ... don't worry I have a bit of a thing about crocs... don't like to imagine being visited by a croc!
    Went to a beach today where the sign said beware of crocs.... the water was clean but NOT CLEAR .... so how the hello do you dare swim there!

  4. Indeed Sharmon...
    lovely to see you at Pinterest too!

  5. that looks delish! loved your studies over on the "other side". cheers soph!

  6. Lovely to hear from you Mlle P!
    Lovely place indeed!


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