Friday, May 25, 2012

catch up week!

Well this is supposed to be a catch-up week but its been as busy as recent weeks... even if in a different  way! I seem to have caught up with so many different threads of life here...its been intense but quite wonderful!

Even this photo is from ages ago...  I'm yet to photograph all the work I completed in time for the Exhibition last week. What a wonderful residency and show... can't say enough about the people I worked with... and the friday show brought familiar and new people along... all added up to being a wonderful day and memorable conversations!

Still to visit so many I love to keep connected with in the blogosphere.... but I had some lost sleep to catch up on and then suddenly things got busy again and I've just spent the past two days at QUT tutoring ... Wednesday First Year Architecture and today a guest spot presenting on the Journal Process with the First year Interior Design students.

The week has been taken up in conversations of every kind... saying goodbye at the Molecular Science Lab,  discussions re the coming months, catch-ups with various ones...and a meeting a friend's new baby girl!  

I did just put up a photo of some works down in April at the studio blog... but otherwise Ive been VERY quiet online this week! Think I overdid it last week fitting everything in and I have been finding quiet moments to do some stitching of pod forms on linen this week ... avoiding the computer as much as possible.

See you again soon I hope!
S x


  1. time out in the real world is better anyway! we shouldn't have to be saying 'sorry' for that... nor explaining our online absences.....

    maybe we could make a little 'do not disturb' tag for the blog that tells everyone we're off playing in the real world...

  2. Blessing to you you courageous and wise woman! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  3. "I have been finding quiet moments to do some stitching of pod forms on linen this week" --love this!

  4. Nice to disappear into what is most important LIFE. Looks like a good coffee and cupcake. Enjoy yourself. xox

  5. Pace yourself Sophie and keep going! You're having such rich experiences so really take time to savour them. We're all here out in the ether still, ready for when times are less pressured! Take care and enjoy.

  6. Thanks all!

    Ronnie... a little to tired I was to even think of making the 'gone fishing' sign!

    Mary-Helen... thanks for your kind thoughts!

    Velma ... found much solace and space in those stitches! Was a great residency...but so much in such a short space of time!

    Corrine... have been cooking nice soups and restocking the quality cooking ingredients for lots of slow cooking. Nice to slow down a little!

    You're right about savouring the moments of richness Lesley. I find I get to a point and that's all I feel I can do...there is simply no more room for more information and stimulation! I start needing to have staring into space time... stillness in order to think!

    Part of last week's problem i.e. challenge is I went back to the other University I have been working at to complete the semester's tut's and found myself in new threads of amazing dialogue at the same time fascinating things were showing up requiring application forms and research.

    That stitching sure helped!
    Have a good week all!


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