Sunday, November 6, 2011

City of lights...

It was Guy Fawkes night here in London town but I missed sighting that... however ... I was down on the river on dusk at the Tate and did see this as I walked in through the Riverside Entrance.

Forgive me this flying post... no details... nor posting many photos I took but could have added...

This was my photographic version of walking across the Millennium Bridge

and this is a few nights ago at Sloane Square.... tonight I could have taken a fab shot of Harrods all lit up but I was a bit slow on the uptake.

... city of lights?

Well... in fact... I'm jumping on the Eurostar to the City of lights across the Channel tomorrow at 8.30am... only staying a night... got so much happening back here... what can a girl do!

have not been there for 23 years ... 2 whole days is better than not going I reckon! Don't you?

My lovely afternoon today I have to tell you was at Borough Market... don't remember that all those years ago... what a lovely surprise it was to visit. Monmouth's coffee... being able to order a flat white... I was  blissed out. Speaking of which... Princi, Soho now, has to be the best thing since... if you like what Italians do with fire,waiter and flour!!!! More on that later.

Gotta get some shut-eye...
ciao lovelies!
S x


  1. london was amazing to me, all those years ago. travel well!!

  2. Oh the memories! Remembering the Shakespeare's Head, a pub in Soho. The is a window which you can't miss, with Shakespeare looking out.
    Love the lights at Harrods!

  3. lovely to hear from you two... so many memories all!
    got to go get that train...
    S xx

  4. Sophie, altho I called those London environs home for a couple years (long ago past) I never captured the night, not like this.
    2 seconds is better than not going!!
    enjoy all.
    every bit.


  5. what absolute fun!!Thank you for sharing this journey and all the great photos- enjoy every second!!XO

  6. Harrods is a dream like journey at the will love Paris at night!!! Peace, Mary Helen

  7. It has been over 20 years since I was in London. I'm sure I wouldn't recognize a thing. And the same length for Paris. See it all lady. See it all. And capture those memories in your brain for the future and those rainy days when you need a little inspiration.

  8. lovely pics! tough choices - too bad you missed lewes' guy fawkes. i've wanted to go there for (really) decades! but london looks lovely - nice to see p.jones getting ready for the hols. looking forward to your paris post!

  9. I haven't been since... way too long :) so good Sophie x


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