Monday, July 11, 2011

New works ... a productive day!

acrylic on paper

acrylic on paper

acrylic on canvas, 30 x30 cm

acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm

acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cm

Generally works on paper I do without too much thinking ... they are simple exercises in colour, form and so on. Often they get painted over or maybe adapted or developed somehow. I like to do plenty of this unself-conscious work on order to feel my way into ideas for larger works.

acrylic on paper

acrylic and ink on paper

acrylic and ink on paper

acrylic and ink on paper

love this Indian cloth ... and the way the book merges into it!

small canvas board, 25 x 25 cm - painted a while ago...finished maybe on sunday.

Its a good feeling to get paint onto  canvas again after things have been so hectic of late. I just went for it today ... nothing was going to stand in my way!
Sun was shining and all was well... I was feeling inspired from a great week and the wonderful group that came together yesterday for the latest workshop at Percolator gallery.

untitled, 60 x 60 cm - this was meant to be the background for an idea I had but now I will leave it be.

This was a great canvas to work on. Somehow I think I need to leave this as is... I can spend ages on a work a times... so when something just comes together quickly I have learnt to leave it ... then time passes and it becomes clearer what is needed ... or not!

More photos this week... I've downloaded them tonight... a major exercise with my so-called new camera... months on I'm figuring it out! Have a good week all!
S x


  1. gorgeous stuff Sophie! I agree about the works on paper. It can be so freeing. The material really lends itself to experimentation. And sometimes...for me the best work happens on paper because it is so fresh. Have a great week!

  2. Wow- you're really on a roll here! I like all of them, but the ones on canvas are spectacular! Surely you didn't do these all in one day? The pink/yellow/brown one and the blue/brown/white you said you should leave as it is- yes! leave them as they are!

  3. Very beautiful. I love the textures - the way you've handled the paint and the free-ness to your line.

  4. those circular (seedesque) forms are very attractive sophie!

  5. i always find the hardest bit about painting is knowing when to stop. usually i realise too late.
    giving things time to chill is a skill...

  6. thanks for the lovely comments today all of you!

    I took the day off apart from a few necessary I realised it had been such a huge week and ...well I slept like a log in the afternoon for three hours and tonight I say the late session at the cinema of Tree of man which I did so enjoy... it was transporting and a wondrous vision tom my thinking!

    Mary... yes to the expansiveness of working on paper ... keeping it fresh ... seeing what happens & not worrying if it doesn't work.
    thanks for your great messages... esp from your gorgeous four-legged friend!

    thanks for your lovely thoughts... well yes I did do a lot of work yesterday... went at it with an intensity like you wouldn't believe...then again I'm sure you would. Small striped canvas board is from before and a couple of works on paper...but then again I did a large canvas I didn't show here and some other things on paper... so it was productive !!!
    This is the result of a plate too full of a host of other things... and the desire to paint that had been building finally found a time and place.

    this is a lesson to me ... just doing when I have some time... I ran a workshop the day before and i think I must have been brewing some ideas without realising! Thanks for lovely comments...

    now I'm curious about which you were referring to... those forms haunt me... but not in a bad way!
    Very excited about your Byron residency! Well done!

    your are spot on with that comment India... not that I still know after that time lapse always... but there is more of a chance of knowing!

    cheers all... a great week to you!

  7. Great energy over here...lovely to see so many pieces. This last one is remarkable in color...isn't it wonderful when a piece comes together rather quickly? Backing away and letting it be is a challenge sometimes!

  8. Merci Maryanne!
    ... ah yes...there's a bit of tension for me in letting the work do what it will ... for example... this last one which I had other ideas for - it was simply the background for another idea. But I was delighted by what had come to light and have now got to let it be!
    so... well said!

  9. Lovely work Sophie. I enjoy your studies on paper very much- the energy and colour and freshness- love it!Have a great week -

  10. Gracias Mlle P... was exhausted Monday... must have crammed two days into one with the painting!

    Annamaria ... energy , colour and freshness describes your work perfectly... seems summer is having it impact in your studio thanks for your warm note!

    S xo


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