Tuesday, May 17, 2011

speeding by today!

All the action is over at the Homage blog... a few posts there for you to read... the latest post was prompted by an artist friend writing to say she is going to lose her farm an hour or so west of here to a Mining company... we'd love people to reblog, retweet etc this story for us if you happen to have a connection to this part of the world.


A river runs through me- (by annamariapotamiti)
A river runs through me- (by annamariapotamiti)
or visit the blog of Annamaria to see more!


  1. I feel so sorry for these folks. Hope something can be done. There was a soothing quality to the art. It shows us why we need to preserve the land! xo

  2. Love this painting by Annamaria ... should say... she's from northern hemisphere! the colours in this are very lush... just wanted to post her work and also at the same time hopefully link some visitors to the important local story!
    Like you Mary... thanks for making the point to read the article!
    S x


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