Monday, March 21, 2011

botanically themed...


Herbal, Italy, N. (Lombardy); c. 1440


Herbal, Italy, N. (Lombardy); c. 1440


Vintage Printable – Color

Lisa Acke


Unknown (Japanese)
Textile Panel
18th century
Unknown (Japanese)
18th century

All images at my tumblr site: Seed Capsules .

Live TV coverage from Japan: USTREAM 


  1. Hello Sophie,

    I saw these yesterday via Tumblr and was really excited. I especially love the transparency of the leaves!

  2. They are beautiful forms the seaweeds yes?
    Think Im ready for a holiday at the sea... what about you?

  3. Love these images Sophie, gives me the itch to paint. Thank you for the inspiration - as always. xo

  4. Ta Janis... dont you love that rabbit in the branches?
    like to see what you come up with inspired by these!
    S x

  5. all delicate and beautiful

    i'm always inspired by what you share here x

  6. thank you sweet Robyn...
    a little thanks to the great tumblr community for its wonderful sharing capacity!
    Thats how I found these images!
    S x

  7. Hi Sophie, thank you for your generous comment on my blog. :) As you have seen, I have been shamelessly plundering your tumblr archive which I discovered when trying to track down the origin of an image pinned at pinterest. Your tumblr archive was a revelation to me, an incredible work of art in its own right. I go there whenever my spirits need a lift or I want inspiration. Thank you! I LOVE the seaweed pics above, and also the Japanese wall hanging. I found your pic of the textile just after I had completed a digital piece using a colour palette drawn from a photo I had taken of a eucalyptus leaf from regrowth (the colours are so much more vivid - perhaps there is a lesson there), and was amused to see that the palette was identical to the textile panel. Finally, love your work. cathie

  8. Hi Cathie,
    How lovely to hear from you. Its lucky I have that site meter to lead me to things like Pinterest and bloggers such as yourself. Thank you for your kind comments.
    Delighted you found the tumblr site... its quite a magical world ... dipping into a vast network of images and ideas... especially through the archives which can so readily portray a person's range of interests and preoccupations!
    Interesting about the digital work... I so enjoyed visiting Fernenland... Love NZ... and the post I read on the broken heart syndrome after the Christchurch Earthquake... amazing!
    Will be visiting again...
    Ciao Cathy,

  9. Pleasure to hear from you Claire.... loved your giveaway.. .. the dyed fabric was a gorgeous color!

  10. Sophie, these are lovely and your work is really interesting. I'm looking forward to spending some time exploring your site!

  11. Hello Alice,

    i just took a visit to your lovely textile blog... loved what you are exploring! great to have you pop in...
    thanks for you lovely comment!

  12. nice pics sophie! esp the lisa acke pics. v. inspirational.

    thanks too for letting us know about the japanese red cross directing funds straight to. i've been waiting to hear about such an arrangement.

    raining again in l.a......and trying to catch up a little everywhere!


  13. Lisa's work is quite wonderful MP ... I rather liked that rabbit in the foliage too!

    I've not heard back from anyone that the Red Cross Japan fund is other than what it purports to be... a direct fund.

    Loved your garden... it will enjoy the rain. Have a good week of catching up... same here... chores await!
    S xo

  14. yep that's the these old images, old herbals and obsessed also!! Thanks, your world re-in-vigors and inspires my creativity after maximum slow down creeping out of the hole and starting to look around again....
    if you ever in the channon come over for a cuppa tea and to check out the incredible moss growing on the flooded gums....beautututytyfullli!
    thanks again imbix

  15. Hi Imbi,
    great to hear from you!
    After that huge move I have no doubt you'd be wanting to chill for a bit.
    The images, especially from 1440, are pretty special yeah!
    Will take you up on the cuppa some time... shall go wondering one day ...great country you live in!
    S x


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