Thursday, September 16, 2010

the pleasures of the table....

this is a very snappy post...

... just home from Melbourne where I was delighted to be able to once again share conversations at this table...  much thanks to my delightful hosts. No...I have not downloaded photos tonight after arriving in at 10 pm!!!

I had this lovely image from a previous time... the doors were not wide open as in this image above taken on a VERY hot evening. I was wrapped up in coat and scarf this past week due to the lingering wintery weather... and had a wonderful time. My bag was so heavy to lug around tonight... filled as it was with art supplies scoured from about 6 stores. Today, after intricate packing, I found yet another store and decided ... yes...  I could fit those extra things in.

Home again... I really relaxed so much! Only started taking photos yesterday ... no camera, computer, work for the best part of a week....just enjoying the company of friends, walking around and catching trams here and there!

Home to read some lovely comments from visitors...
...bye for now!


  1. you're sweet MP! I really look forward to your tales... and I welcome you back after your wanderings!
    Early start today with a forum all morning... then I can pop over to say hello!

  2. Welcome home :) and lovely to read of your happy Melbourne times... I like Melbourne too.

    best wishes for lots of creative fun with your new purchases.

  3. Thank you Robyn for your warm greetings.
    I hit the ground running with a seminar on art/business this morning... well timed really... I am staggered at how refreshed I feel.
    All that walking in melbourne really did the trick... lots to take in... it feels like I was away for weeks not days!
    We must compare notes on fav Melb dstinations... lots of mine were nostalgic in part
    see you,

  4. Welcome home! Love the wooden table and chairs, that is my kind of setting...

    And - I can picture you loaded down with art supplies - such a sweet sight that must have been! xo

  5. Welcome back Sophie! Glad you had a relaxing and inspiring time.

  6. Thank you Janis!

    It was a lovely place to be and I can imagine you'd have liked talking at that table... drawing the things on it perhaps...?

    Im so glad I persisted with gathering those art materials... off to the studio soon with them!
    S xo

  7. Hi Mary,
    thank you for the lovely message!

  8. Welcome back Sophie and so glad you are feeling refreshed after your break. Love the sound of a suitcase full of art supplies!

  9. Thank you Robyn....
    great to have had a most pleasant break... and yes...I have unpacked all my wonderful purchases into the studio ready for action!


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