Tuesday, September 7, 2010

a little geometry...

After a rather frustrating session trying to figure what has occurred in the photo upload function when posting (anyone else having this issue?) I will leave here with some images I found recently. Its a wonderful morning... so on with the day - and before I disappear ....on the theme of geometry...

From artist Gurdrun Asling:

Gudrun Asling: Liten rutor - tempera 45 x 45 cm

Gudrun Asling: Med rott2

Gurdun Asling 309 - Oil  pastel

Gudrrun Asling - 306 - Oil pastel

Grurdrun Asling 353 - oil pastel

From architect Daniel Hale whose fabulous blog Serendipity Rising caught my eye recently go have a proper look at the way he works with geometry and found materials to create extremely covetable and livable magic... it took my breath away. I'm giving you a small taste!

the roost

Black beauty - the bench

view onto neighbouring vineyards

Featured here on Remodelista!

Hope you enjoyed the Geometry lesson as much as I did visiting the work of these 2 from different parts of the globe!


  1. Sophie,
    I shall have to find out more about Gudrun Asling. I am very taken with 309 but that's probably because I have a 'thing' about circles in work. It's a shape I return to again and again. As for blogger, you are not alone, 'it works in strange and mysterious ways......' Lesley
    PS How ironic that blogger throws up 'wayes' as the comment verifier (honestly!)

  2. I love grids, and see what can be done with the humble oil pastel!

    I am off to check out the architect - looks so warm and inviting..

  3. Hi Lesley,
    Yes...I know how one can be quite besotted with a simple form like a circle... She had so many works at her site to view at leisure..
    and those little quirky blogger moments -private jokes - a bit of fun and fate!
    thanks for popping in!
    see you,

  4. Hi Denise,
    Im a grid lover and oil pastel fan also...

    Tell me what you think about this fabulous architect.
    just loved the blog tour!


  5. Thanks for such a beautiful post....so much can be said with so little. The work of both these artists is inspiring...thanks for the links and sharing their work!


  6. Hi Patti,
    Ive been having my fondness for geometry sparked of late ...so it was a delight to find 2 very different practitioners working with the geometric. I so want to be in that house!
    lovely to hear from you!

  7. I've had a good wallow over at Serendipity, thanks Sophie. Droolworthy decor!

  8. Drool-worthy indeed Robyn!
    Glad you got to wander.... all the wood i imagine you'd have liked... and the fact so much is hand made.


  9. thank you for the geometry lesson and the taste of Daniel Hale's blog-- I love grids and geometric division of space in my own collages.

  10. Hello Donna,
    good to hear from you... you do have a wonderful way of employing the grid in your work.
    Its interesting how deeply satisfying the geometric can be - like our sense of balance and order can be found through the measuring of space.

  11. Love the geometry, the grids, and the color you've offered up. Fun to see. Thanks, Sophie!


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