Tuesday, July 27, 2010

its a "lets see what's been filed away" day

The good thing about losing things is when you find them again.... when you can find them again...if you can fin them again! Some things today are still lost but some good finds ...  and tonight going through my emails...looking at what I saved to look at later... here's a few of those things - a bit random... but what the heck...

 Instillations by Judy Ledgerwood

Visit the gallery site where the artist was recently showing work to read more on this artist.

From OWI images of an intriguing hotel...  HOTEL AP in Luxembourg:
Photos Sarah Blee

Also from OWI
The house of DROOG founder Rebnny Ramaker: photos Muller Fien 
- do I like all these shelves and the thought of all those books! 

ARDLP : photos by De Baerdemaeker Kat
from Spain ... this is her home in Paris.

From OWI...
called MADE IN INDIA photos by Ocelli Laura.
The owner of this Apartment is a fashion designer who 
moved from New Delhi to New York 22 years ago.

OK...thats a bit of colour for the day!

The moral of the story: a good search for lost items is never wasted time...you always find some treasure you have forgotten about.

OH... talking colour and out there...click here!!! From But does it Float!!!


  1. Wow! Amazing eye candy here! Looking forward to viewing it leisurely later. Thanks very much Sophie!

  2. Hi Gloria...
    I hope you noticed I posted your mail art on the other blog... looks fabulous too...

    speaking of colour... loved what you did for the Postcard art!
    ps ...bit of fun...unexpected stuff..always good after intensely serious times of hard work...breaking out of the mold!

  3. WOW. What a collection of beautiful and inspiring images! Good searching!!

  4. Thanks for the wild ride! Love seeing well designed rooms...this was a treat..thank you!

  5. Great inspiration here. The droog people are fabulous. Saw their rag chair and some other furniture pieces at
    the Art and Craft Museum in NYC. Just great new ways of looking and thinking about re-thinking things. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Hi Vivi,
    its good to go back and find what you have earmarked when time permitted more blog travel than recent weeks permitted...it was fun!!

    Hi Maryanne,
    Thanks...it was a bit of a wild ride indeed...trying to wake up my tired eyes!
    see you!

    Hi Dosfishes,
    I must look further into their designs - just love the space in this home...and the shelves...Unlike so many big places there was the feeling that all spaces here were lived in...they were all animated and poetic spaces - I loved that!
    thanks for coming by!

  7. s. - so much to catch up on with you! lovely post about marilena and your mum. i'm still in jury limbo and did not have a v. restful wkend so i'll pop you a longer email later on in the week.

    all i can say: homage: such a nice project. (inspiring in me further explorations) and JOB WELL DONE!!!!!


    oh p.s. how could one forget! seed mosaics! did em in nursery school AND art college! so cool!

  8. I've been thinking of you MP... things to catch up on for sure. Awful you have been detained like that... makes me restless thinking about it!
    You are so sweet... so encouraging...(always) noticing the little things whilst reading the big picture too!
    They were very central to homage happening - so important to recognise this!
    Seed mosaics ...never ever did that!
    gotta fly out the door,
    ciao bella,
    S xoxo


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