Friday, July 30, 2010

celebrating 80

If you dont hear a peep here for a bit its because there's lots to do.... Dinner for 48 Saturday night ...lots of fuss... for a person who's put a lot of energy out over many years and still hits the tennis court, climbs ladders to tend her garden, reads books for her 2 bookclubs and knits beautiful rugs to give away - and thats for starters!

Celebrating  80 years ... this Saturday is a special birthday in my family... my mother turns 80. Friends and family are coming together ...the photos have appeared out of hiding... and I have not even found mine yet! heres a few photos Id not seen apart from the wedding and the young family!

my grandmother on the family farm - c late 1930's

my mother on left with her brother and sister - c 1940

mother and her daughters near the house and wisteria vine

1957 - the wedding day

70's family - I'm the eldest of four

late 80's - 90's (?) youngest brov, Mum and I


  1. What fabulous photos! Happy birthday to your mother!

  2. Thanks Jacylin,
    Nice to reminisce... hardly ever look at old photos...!
    Thanks for warm greetings which will be passed on!

  3. Aww, Happy Birthday to your lovely mum! I'm the eldest of 4 too and remember wearing dresses that short too. have fun. x

  4. Happy birthday to your mom. And the pics are very nice... Hope you all have a great time

  5.'re up really late too!
    So lovely of you...shall pass on the message. Yeah....the know the turf... and those dresses...gawky...funny legs...must have been getting close to high school... kids now are so cool by comparison with how many of us were - country kids!!
    S xx

  6. Cath,
    lovely to visit your blog again the other day!
    Thanks for the lovely message and thinksit will be a special time...years since we did anything like this!

  7. Yep, I'm up this late every night after my sofa nap. It gives me a 2nd shift to keep working. Still can't catch up though! Take care.

  8. Thats pretty impressive Thea! I have often loved the late hours for the quiet and non-interuptions!
    I know it can feel like there's never enough time..and you are working on a lot of levels and tasks with what you do... so I guess having different times for different tasks can really help too!
    ciao bella!

  9. Marvelous for your Mum, enjoy. Love the snaps from the 30' and 40's. Tugs at your heartstrings for a simpler time.

  10. Dosfishes...Know what you mean... a simpler time... makes you think twice - thats for sure!
    Lovely to receive your warm message ...thank you!

  11. Wishing a wonderful birthday to your mom. I enjoyed seeing the old photos, especially the amazing wisteria vine.

  12. Hi Sophie,

    Have a wonderful dinner with your mum, family and friends. It will be very special and a time I'm sure she will cherish. Old photos are great to look at, too easy to forget our parents were young too.

  13. Thanks for your good wishes Altoon,
    I think it will be a unique moment - memories, photos, stories and good food and company!

    All the photos unleash the stories dont they Nicola? Thanks for your really warm comments and no doubt I will be able to get a few snaps to make more memories!

  14. 48 people! Have a great time hope especially your Mum does too. Must do these things - it all sounds insanely delicious too S.!


  15. Happy Birthday dear Mum! Sophie - your mother sounds like a woman to be admired. An active mind and body at any age is so important. You are a lucky daughter...what a gift to have a mum like that (and a daughter like YOU too:^)

    Good luck with the dinner of 48 dear Sophie - Happy happy celebration of life! xoxo, j.

  16. What fabulous life! Happy birthday to your mother! XX

  17. this is fantastic! happy birthday to your mom!

  18. those photos..

    they could have been of my family - the wedding one - so similar to my mum in 1959.

  19. MP... were all very tired today but can report is was an exceptionally happy occasion....birthday girl VERY, very happy soon!
    see you!
    S x

    thank you for the warm wishes and sweet thoughts!
    And it was such a celebration of life! Joyful evening!Lovely to hear from you!

    So sweet of you to lave this message...will be passing on the greetings to Olivia!
    S x

    Hello grrl + dog,
    ah yes...those photos so tell of a time.. thanks for the message!

  20. Hi Sophie,

    Sending folks your way again...with a Versatile Blogger Award "reprise!" Cheers!... Gloria

  21. That is so sweet of you Gloria....warmest thnks for thinking of me!
    Sophia x

  22. Happy belated 80 years to your Mum Sophie...sounds like some great celebrating was in order...hope all went well!
    Love the photo's...not unlike some of the many in our family files too!

  23. Thank you for your sweet message Leanne... The funny thing is I had not seen some of the photos... interesting how they capture and era so well and you recognise similar images...
    really a great celebration for my mother... so completely well timed....and the this is your life was fun!
    see you,


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