Tuesday, June 8, 2010

speaking of mapping things...

I n s p i r e d  by Monday's post on artist Shannon Rankin - a extraordinary re-interpretor of maps - I was fascinated to visit The Long Now Blog this morning. Clicking on 'long term art' led me to some wonderful finds.

The first is titled Solar Beat and allows us to hear the kind of music our Solar System makes!

Click on Solar Beat - a project by White Vinyl Designs that uses a virtual Orrery as a type of music box to see what type of music our solar system makes…  also at the April 5 post at The Long Now Blog. Go visit...its worth it!
The next mapping project I have for you is Maps of Deep Time from April 20th on this same blog. To enlarge these Maps for proper viewing click here ....and at the same time check out this unique blog that is from a Foundation given to 'Long-Term Thinking' - and isn't that a damn good idea! 

Contagion Map by Haisam Hussein

History of Major Contagion map by Haisam Hussein. Also by Hussein is this Telling Tales Map below.

Telling Tales Map by Haisam Hussein

The Art of Knowing graphics by Joyce Pendola follows;

The Art of Knowing graphics by Joyce Pendola

A little about The Long Now:

What's with the name?

The term was coined by one of our founding board members, Brian Eno. Upon moving to New York City, Brian found that "here" and "now" meant "this room" and "this five minutes" as opposed to the larger here and longer now that he was used to in England. We have since adopted the term as the title of our foundation as we try to stretch out what people consider as now.
Guidelines for a long-lived, long-valuable institution:
  • Serve the long view
  • Foster responsibility
  • Reward patience
  • Mind mythic depth
  • Ally with competition
  • Take no sides
  • Leverage longevity

I have actually thought of other additions I could make on this theme of Mapping I've recently discovered... so I'll save them for my next post and get out into the sunshine now on this slightly chilly morning and warm up whilst eating my bowl of porridge! Back soon...


  1. OMG !! These images are just fantastic!! Thank you my dear.

    Hugs XX

  2. Your'e sweet.... you can see I have had a map theme going... maybe this means I'm hankering after places to travel to ...funny thing about maps - sometimes its enough to just gaze at them and let thoughts travel from there!
    S xo


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