Sunday, June 13, 2010

hallowed space

Atelier Cezanne - these images were found at Lark About via Pia Jane Bijkerk. I wanted to share them - pondering these took me to another time altogether and I think it is good to remember what place stillness and a good working space (no matter how small or large) means for a long life of art.

ON a somewhat different note I really enjoyed these 2 posts here and here from Steven Alexander Journal on Brazil.

He writes:

"In July, I will be spending three weeks in Brazil (much more on that to come) -- and in preparation, I've been looking at a lot of Brazilian painting. Geometric abstract painting has been deeply embraced in Brazil, and still is -- creating a sustained legacy of rich and varied work. I am just beginning to scratch the surface of this parallel universe of rigorous and beautiful painting by artists who are virtually unknown to the NY art world. Here is just a small sampling to begin -- with more to come." Images from the internet.

Julio Villiani

Concalo Ivo, studio view 2010

I always find it most fascinating to visit an unexplored part of the world through the eyes of its artists... with no travel plans myself and dubious funds to support such this form of travel... across the blogosphere ... is both rewarding and makes sense of much I might otherwise miss.


  1. i never get tired of seeing artists studios. it tells a lot about them and they usually are similar to their work.i wish i had Cezanne's studio :)

  2. Same...isn't it fascinting what you learn about the artist Nathalie...and yes...wonderful studio - Atelier Cezanne!
    nice to have you pop in...

  3. I was lucky enough to visit Cezanne's studio during a summer I spent in the south of France. It was magical to walk into the space in which he'd worked and see some of the familiar objects. We also drove around looking at landscape motifs, helped by a handy guidebook. Most exciting was to see the famous outline of Mont Sainte Victoire. The actual mountain had less presence than Cezanne's paintings of it; he made it eternal.

  4. Hallowed space indeed! It must be quite an experience to go into Cezanne's studio..... and what a wonderful big space it is.

  5. That sounds so wonderful Altoon - interesting your comment about Mont Sainte Victoire and the presence given it by the artist.
    This appears to be such an excellent studio from the images and left untouched?... so to be in the space must be a special memory.
    Seeing the intimate table and fruit is enchanting for me.
    I spent an Easter once in isolated quiet painting from a Cezanne print...working in oils - attempting to learn from his way of seeing. I think I'd been inspired by a very good lecture Id heard and thought the least I could do is gain some understanding by a few concentrated days of observing and painting...developing a little intimacy as it were.
    I guess your New York years perhaps afforded you some frequent viewings of his work.

  6. !!!!! Lovely photos of Cezanne's studio - in fact the best I've ever seen. I lived in Aix-en-Provence for a school year and have been back many times, but can you believe I have never visited the studio. Strange and crazy. Well. It is France. And it is often closed. My lame excuse. And wonderfully, there are always so many things to do in and around Aix.

    But I couldn't disagree more with Altoon about the montagne Ste. Victoire. It is breathtaking from many many vantage points around the town. And in many kinds of light. Just walking into town from the train station will give you a stunning introduction to it. And I can recommend two wonderful books by MFK Fisher about Aix: Map of Another Town and The Boss Dog that will absolutely transport you to another time and place suspended delicately between Cezanne's and our own, before Aix became overbuilt and noisy.

    Cheers and Ciao!

  7. p.s. love the brazilian art and WAY COOL sophie! getting a shoutout on "things".

    will have to add it to my blogroll and stop there often.


  8. yes, what a studio! i hope you find the studio of your dreams, sophie!

  9. MP....
    I know that thing that happens... one lives near to something and doesn't quite get there. I was like that in London (but I did get to lot of great things) - even in Melbourne I didn't explore enough country (over 12 years I lived there) that surrounded that city.
    You bring a different response to the Montagne... living around there must have allowed time for things to saturate your sensibilities. Thanks for the book recommendations... MKFisher keeps popping up for me to read.

    And... yes... the window on Brazil intrigued me to know more... even though his selections appeared on the surface not so different to the International scenario. But the thought of exploring that realm, of getting a sense of the local sensibilities does intrigue.

    The 'things' thing was out of the that on the blogosphere! Those tangents off in every direction.

    I gave you a shout out on my post"the world is alive..." after hearing from Amy Wilson and adding several things. Forgot to tell you!

    ciao bella,
    S xoxo

  10. Well SadeRa,

    I have been left uneasy about publishing what I can't understand as I know sometimes people are "hijacking" comment boxes with problematic dialogue or advertising.

    Of late I am getting ridiculous advertising material coming through occasionally for viagra via the comment box. I dont get anything via email like this...spam prevention saves me from that I am finding it necessary to delete what is not written in English so that I can maintain the ambience I wish my visitors to enjoy at this site.

    I chose to have a block from comments going straight up for this reason. I dont want to be "anglo-centric" and am deeply sorry that my knowledge of other languages is so poor but I also dont wish to be a site for potentially ill-intentioned comments.

    Your links have no images, no information... so that also adds to the potential for a certain lack of credibility in a realm where trust and consideration for others are paramount.

    I have been forced to delete all comments that dont have English comments for the simple reason it is not hard for a person who is capable of using the internet to find some very basic words like "nice job" and it saves any confusion as to the content.

    I am sorry if you are genuine...but could you please not use any other language other than English if you wish for me to publish your comments. I would also love to see you photos of where you live and what you do!

    Thank you and best wishes,

  11. Dear Em,

    thats so sweet... yes... how could I manifest a wonderful studio... I do wonder about that quite a bit... thank you for your visit and kind words!

    Sophia x

  12. Oh, those photos of Cezanne's studio are fantastic! Thanks for sharing them!

  13. Thanks Jacylin,
    good to have you 'pop in'!

  14. great studio! i am on a point in my life where a studio could really help! :-)

  15. Hi Sanne,
    Ah yes...the studio quesion...seeing this space is daunting if one is in need of a studio... oh well..the inspiration is good!
    best of luck getting our special studio!


  16. i always enjoy a peek at other artists' studios. much can be gleaned from seeing how others organize their workspace.
    i look forward to getting moved (it's taking ages) and having a studio again. seeing these images inspires me.

  17. Good luck with setting up your studio again Stephanie!
    Its is great to see into different studios and get inspired.


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