Thursday, June 10, 2010


...they've been boxed away under the house for 2 years since I moved house ( and life interstate!) ...I unpacked them to take to the Japanese Teahouse at the Gardens on Sunday... I have drawn these, painted oils of them, drunk teas and coffee from them and they remind me of home and friends far away.... Now they will be used for drinking tea with new friends since they've finally been unpacked!


  1. A wonderful initiation back into the world for your beautiful cups - the Japanese garden.

    Happy thoughtful hours of conversation and/or silence, with friends or solo, drinking from those treasured cups :^)

  2. They make lovely photographs too. Is that a Sophie Munns traycloth I see? Your seed pods make wonderful textile designs.

  3. that is just wonderful!! like old friends being reunited again, isn't it? I love the white set with the hob nail edging... have a great tea party! xo cat

  4. Ah Janis,
    you said it so well...indeed it is bringing back something important... how the things that we love well carry memory and are more than mere drinking vessels.
    Funny thing is although I rarely shop I have kept my eye out for the perfect white tea cup and saucer...
    silly me...forgetting if I go looking downstairs the ones I love were there all the time!
    Our minds are curious are they not?
    S x

  5. Caterina....
    That is a gorgeous one you noted... it makes for great drawings as it is very irregular despite being mass-produced.
    The one that looks creamier is a hand made cup from a ceramicist friend years ago who was going to discard these!
    And the other is from Italy...cup and saucer...purchased by a dear housemate I shared a crumbling mansion(smallish but grand!) with can you believe ... decades ago!
    Its speaks to a wonderful era of creativity and people...and many exchanges over the kitchen table!
    Many more to come...sweet words cat!
    S xo

  6. Robyn,
    a whimsical post for a little late night reverie after downloading lots of photos...could not resist.
    The "tray" is indeed a work of mine...actually a collaged painting that I cant quite finish ...but I pasted some fabric that I had light summer pants made from... its a wonderful seersucker and I could not bear to part with the fabric as I adore the colours and the stripes!
    I have done fabric design - informally and in a low key way from home and also 13 years ago did 2 years of freelance fabric designing with a textile corp after they passed by my shop-front window (inner-city Melbourne) over time and kept noticing things...!
    Shame about the financial award rates in the textile industry... unless you were a large recognisable brand one negotiated hard for fair reward for one's work. One also had designs changed beyond recognition at times...Good experience to have done that though!
    Thanks Robyn,

  7. What a fun post! I love your collection and reading about what they remind you of.

  8. Hi Jaclyn, can you tell I'm a little fussy about what I drink from -never a coffee cup please! I think we all have outr favs though!
    Lovely to hear from you!

  9. beautiful! you must have missed them too!

  10. Thanks Nathalie....
    its good to have them in my kitchen again...
    See you!

  11. very pretty photos! i expected them to be from les contours du silence! but now i know they are yours. i really treasure seeing your work in your blog!

    alas, i drink from very utilitarian cups, and now i'll have to rethink that choice.

  12. Hey Em,

    you just gave me the clue to my influence with these shots. Entirely unconsciously I have indeeed been quite influenced by looking at Fanny's images...
    She has a certain touch and is not afraid to keep shooting from all angles to find the best one... muse is indeed clever person ...and I hope I have learnt something from her!

    Yes...I do like to post my own things...but sometimes I cant seem to get the camera and me and the world into alignment! I am painting till all hours till tomorrow when I take the work to be hung in the group show......and when I get like that the only thing i do is perhaps photograph the paintings... I start the days late...go out for coffee, sunshine and to walk around and then come back into the studio and dive in...!
    Nice to be appreciated for my own humble efforts with camera - always enjoy yours my friend... those champagne grapes... and the elegant striped bloom for example!

    see you next week!
    S x

  13. gorgeous specimens— i love the handle of the fluted cup

  14. thank you Angela...
    its quite delightful that one - almost baroque in design that handle... certainly whimsical!


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