Friday, April 16, 2010

out of town for a few days!

'Where science meets art' is the motto of my destination this weekend. If you have missed recent posts it refers to the venue for my exhibition Homage to the Seed opening Saturday, with a Sunday morning gathering for those unable to be in Noosa at 3pm Saturday afternoon! Read more here at the Homage blog about this wonderful venue and do drop in and say hello if this is where you are on this globe this weekend! The show runs over 4 weeks all up!

Noosa National Park

Noosa National Park Beach

These images of Noosa National Park not far from where I'll be staying.

With the grower's market so close to Embiggen Books I shall be popping in there too I think!


  1. Oh, what fun! Everything looks in place and your photos speak of a wonderland...beach, market, show and greeting others....very exciting...I wish you a great time!

  2. Wishing you all the best with the show, Sophie. Have a great time at Noosaville.

  3. all the best Sophie, wishing you lots of good company and sales. Candyxx

  4. Good Luck Sophie. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. best of luck to you and enjoy it all! xx's cat

  6. Looks like fun!! Wish I could be there.

  7. all my best for the exhibition! enjoy every moment of it!

  8. I am hoping you are having an excellent weekend, full of many flavors....the water photos are gorgeous. I wish I could be there!

  9. sophie, omg, i wish i could come. it's rainy and cool here and that looks like a wonderful place to experience art!

  10. Hello everyone.... just back from Noosa and its Sunday night!
    It was a wonderful weekend and I have many delightful things to report. For some reason I forgot (or was just simply talking too much) to take photos of everything. Warren (from Embiggen) took great photos of the work - thank goodness for him!
    Why did I not take pics of the wonderfully colourful collection of flora and pods that were laid out on the table with small platters of simple, fresh food featuring seeds ( of course) grains, nuts, fruits???
    Too many late nights and just too many enjoyable conversations to tear away from and think camera.
    I shall post on this very soon!

    Well...I loved reading every single comment from all you lovely people wishing me well and I thank you all and am sorry that distances are far and we cant pop into other's worlds for a brief visit whenever. The goodwill that is sent through the blogosphere is indeed heart- warming and much appreciated.

    A lovely bunch of red dots appeared and most wonderfully - familiar faces at the door - and new!That people drove quite a way to be part of the weekend was the best thing of all!

    Thank you Maryanne, Altoon, Candy, Susan, Caterina, Cath,
    Nathalie, Maggie, and Em for good cheer!


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