These cable car photos come from their website and were obviously taken on a very sunny day when you could see into the distance. I struck low clouds and misting rain which held off for most of the walk, luckily. Fascinating to spend time in this environment noticing the impact of a different climate and terrain on vegetation... even the section of australian natives was growing quite exuberantly due to the cool, wet climate. Interesting to discover the plants that are native to NZ - the garden was a great start to the day and to the trip!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
day one...
These cable car photos come from their website and were obviously taken on a very sunny day when you could see into the distance. I struck low clouds and misting rain which held off for most of the walk, luckily. Fascinating to spend time in this environment noticing the impact of a different climate and terrain on vegetation... even the section of australian natives was growing quite exuberantly due to the cool, wet climate. Interesting to discover the plants that are native to NZ - the garden was a great start to the day and to the trip!
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