Monday, December 7, 2009

future bios - hypothetically speaking

Its the end of 2009 with fond farewells to 3 delightful students who've come to classes at my studio this year. The girls are starting high school after the summer holidays, so we took loads of photos in front of the Mac recently - all 3 playing with the visual effects and striking poses ...generally having a great laugh. Later I went back through the images and started creating stories for each girl - seeing them in 10, 15 plus years time. Mostly in jest, adding to jokes from the year and topical conversations these bios emerged. No doubt they will gravitate to things not yet thought of, not yet dreamed of... 


  1. what a simply delightful post! thank you!

  2. Thanks for visiting and leaving this wonderful comment La Dolce Vita!
    Loved your images on your abbondanza post by the way!

  3. What lucky kids - again, only to be in Australia, be a kid, and to be in your class! What fun that would be...xo

  4. Sweet janis,
    imagine - a click of the fingers and we drop in for a drawing class with you... they would have loved that!
    S x


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