Saturday, October 24, 2009

a walk in the wilderness

Visiting the charming "mes petites miscellanees" blog  from Marie-Es in France I discovered something that had to be shared this morning. Marie-E's blog celebrates colour amongst other elements and with a keen eye for less common images.

Introducing 'A walk in the wilderness' by Carmel Walsh who says of her shoes: "they are made with vegetable tanned leather, walnut wood heals, fabrics including caucciu covered organic cotton, linen. raffia, hemp, bamboo and cork to support the forms. Fun ideas spring to mind with my collection, changing the seeds instead of shoes with the passing seasons. It is my hope that in their second life they will decay and grow as an art piece."

In a world where 330 million pairs of shoes are thrown into land-fills every year, Carmel felt the need to make a product that would endure and try to find a balance between fast and slow fashion. She collaborated with a while range of suppliers to find suitable materials to meet her criteria. To read this article and see some excellent images click on Yatzer - an comprehensive weblink with the motto: *design is to share* started in 2007 by Costas Voyatzis.


  1. Brilliant! What an imagination...

  2. aren't they extraordinary Janis!
    enjoy the weekend,

  3. I would wear them in a second! Thanks for following my blog ;)

  4. Thanks Kim... shall look forward to seeing what's happening in your world!

  5. Oh my goodness Sophie, THESE ARE FANTASTIC!!! My heart a-flutters! Do delicately made and beautifully composed. Ahhh ... I want to wear plants too!
    C xx

  6. Hi Chrissy,
    do have look at the link for more excellent pics. I tried to find more about this designer...sadly unsuccessfully!
    S x

  7. I can see you in these shoes CH!
    thanks for visiting!

  8. thank you for your article for more information contact me at,
    all the best carmel walsh

  9. Thank you for visiting Carmel!
    I googled your name in the hope of seeing more of your work and to know where you are based.
    I will definitely be in touch ...its been a pleasure to see others as enthusiastic as I about these fabulous shoes.

    I must was the shoes that stole my attention at first, then I became intriguied with your process and time spent in Italy meeting with those who could contribute knowledge, materials and a depth of skill to realise such a wonderful idea.

    It also made me feel quite excited to consider how you are one of many, many exceptional designers across many fields working enthusiastically today with huge imagination and persistance to address a series of complex issues that lie behind the production of items.

    We have been in a deeply entrenched habit of only thinking in terms of financial costs in re to bringing an idea onto the "market".

    This shift to realise it is a not a 'market' we are bringing things into but an endangered, over-crowded, polluted, ethically challenged globe has been taken on with fierce determination by you and your peers and I celebrate every one of you who sits at the drawing board fully cognisant of what's at stake.

    No doubt ideas grow, change, mature over years...but to start from a place of such lateral considerations with so much respect for what matters and intention to make a difference is wonderful Carmel!
    A toast to you!

    ps do keep us posted!

  10. Sophie ! I don’t know where the designer comes from. Tanks ++ to refer my
    blog. And excuse me : my english is dreadful but… lucky that language of
    images is universal, isn’t it ? !!!

  11. Please do not apologise for lack of English Marie french consists of .....croissant and merci.... pathetic...truly pathetic! I learnt 'Bahasa Indonesia' at school... not French!

    The designer sent her email address in the comment above which is I wrote to her today.
    Love your blog marie Es!


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