Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PARK(ing) Day

Brisbane PARK(ing) Day is on this Friday, 18th of September. I was sent a Newsletter from Bliss Ecowear today, a great local store in Paddington, full of eco-friendly clothing and accessories, from fair trade sources and local the talented thea and sami ...hi Thea!
A group of local stores is getting together on friday to claim some parking spaces on the street and have comfy seating, coffee, food, magazines, free massages and free bicycle safety checks available from 7.30 am onwards. I wonder where i'll be friday morning for an hour or so! This event is taking place all over the city and locations are marked on maps, plus  all the details you will need available on the website...just click on the magic words at the beginning of this text!



  1. Hi Sophie, thanks for mentioning Thea & Sami. Unfortunately, our summer stock won't be in the store until later this month and I have prior commitments on Friday but enjoy your morning!

  2. Doesn't it sound wonderful...
    Its a pleasure to mention what your'e up too. I love the Storey bridge skirt you do and the new Fab organic prints. May they gets snapped up quickly and keep you just the right ammount of busy!

  3. Hello Sophie,
    So many great things to explore on your blog - you have amazing resources and ENERGY! Thanks for sharing all these goodies... I will need to come back and follow some links.
    Happy September to you!

  4. Thanks Janis for the warm message!

    I'm a great believer in the notion of life being lived in phases.... Certain threads running through our lives I see as perrennial, long standing, consistent and so on.

    And other things have the capacity for allowing us, or forcing us to re-think or re-invent. I like the word 'shifing' because it makes friends with the idea that we cant remain fixed in one place of thinking and responding if we are to grow. As we make room for shifting circumstances and shifting ideas and so on... so our lives can and do shift....better to go with it than resist I've learned slowly, slowly.... and over the years i seem to have had plenty of circumstances arrive to give me this great life lesson!

    2 years ago things were very different. I was working many hours in a very taxing role,painting at night and often tired, not at home with the post grad work I was doing - it was all very intense and busy - but not really working!

    I became quite suddenly ill...and everything began to shift. It was like a 180 degree shift whilst lying flat on my back. Everything stopped more or less that I had been doing, money came as I started selling lots of art work (yes...amazing that...the bills kept coming but so did the $$!) and I sold my small cottage within 6 months and moved north to Brisbane to live with family.

    Because medical things took 18 months to be attended to and resolved I did an enormous amount of reading... and thinking, very centred on how I wished to be and live, as an artist, in this time and place. A year ago I got a fabulous Mac (with a big screen) and sat it in a place with light and a window onto the world. I had time and so i travelled on my Mac.

    By the time I was introduced to Blogging in April this year I actually had some idea of what I was doing on a computer. That + blog + rejuvenated focus brings me to here. The energy that you see is the result of working out what could get pruned from my life in order to have the kind of focus I believe this time calls for... from me.

    I have a strong sense of each person having a very particular way of bringing the world in and sending things back out. I've done a lot of tinkering to get to this place. I like in particular how blogs humanise endeavours that often seem shut off from the world, or that may have seemed unapproachable in another format. Even with limitations it is a medium that has great potential to move things forward...and shift people's thinking and participation.

    These months of discovering people and their ideas and projects, both close by and all over the planet (and visiting people like you Janis) has been incredibly enriching. It has led me to feel more enthusiastic, more encouraged and more connected to things that matter to me...and with increased incentive to act on that in my everyday life out and about.

    well..time for a walk out in the sunshine...
    you certainly inspired a long response this morning Janis...thank you!
    S x


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