Monday, September 28, 2009

Myrtle Street Studio

I was thrilled to find out about an exciting new venture on my side of town today...maybe not around the corner...but not far away!  Myrtle St Studio  is the brainchild of Jay Dee Dearness who has wonderful plans for this enterprise set to open in the new year. It will be a new ARI -   Artist Run Initiaive. It incorporates a gallery space, a specialist book/print store and artist studio. The focus will be primarily on print and paper based media. Workshops, readings, dialogue gatherings...all to be launched in a few months as part of the serious plans to create a vibrant and interactive art space. I'm keen to become aquainted with what's being offered here. Clicking on the highlighted text above will take you to Jay Dee's blog for the studio and click about to read a full description of what's on offer. If you are in this part of the world I'm sure a visit in 2010 will be a MUST!

Jay Dee setting her new press a few months back

above: a poster from a mid year event

below: a preparation sketch by Jay Dee from her studio work

below: from Jay Dee's work exhibited in May this year

Jay Dee has another blog which gives you an idea of this busy woman's life pursuing various artistic endeavours and extensive travel.


  1. Thank you so much for the write up Sophie! Really appreciated! Will be putting up info for applications shortly -really wanting Myrtle Street Studio to be a community arts hub for works on paper. In Melbourne at the moment but will blog some more when I'm back in Bris - thanks for the shout out as it all helps :)

  2. Jay Dee,
    I'm pleased to spread the word for such a fine venture. Think there will be a lot of local artists keen to know what you are offering and many who will find visiting inspiring in 2010.
    Enjoy Melbourne!


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