Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Found at DATA IS NATURE this evening via the wonderful BibliOdyssey:

Pencil Point Creatures - Jennifer Maestre
Jennifer Maestre
Aurora - Jennifer Maestra   - Posted 13.5.09  undulating sculptures reminiscent of anenomes, sea urchins and starfish utilising sharpened coloured pencils as a medium.

Post: 17.7.09  Flickr Fruits # 29 -

Tree Foregrounded in a Soap Bubble by richard.heeks.
Tree foregrounded in a Soap Bubble by Richard Heeks (richard.heeks photostream)

Below:  Geom III - Re:void Flickr - Gwen Vanhee's photostream


Below:  Feildlines: toxi's photostream


Post : 29.4.09  Linn Meyers - Undulation, interference & turbulence
Linn Meyers produces complex organic geometric drawings. If you go to her website and click on drawings look at number 8 - spectacular! Below is an untitled ink drawing on the wall at the Morgan Lehman Gallery, NYC, 2009.

And last of all a post from 9.4.09 titled:  Twittering Machines
Here a fascinating connection is made. Ponder this - to quote Dataisnaure: "any excuse to post a picture, and reference, one of Dataisnature's favourite Paul Klee drawings is always welcome".

Twitter Visualised - Scott Templar       &       Twittering Machine - Paul Klee

There is so much on on this amazing weblink to explore...but for now...its time to go!


  1. Oh my goodness ~ how amazing is that bubble photograph!

  2. I know Chrissy...I have no idea how to capture something like this on camera. Have a look at the flickr site if you want to see more!
    Are you going to the PARKing event on friday?
    see you,

  3. if you keep finding these cool artists, i'll never get off my computer! i do keep visiting 'les contours du silence,' which, aside from your site, is a favorite! thanks for enlarging my world.

  4. Amazing isn't it Em!
    Data is Nature is a very curious, endlessly fascinating site! So I know what you mean about spending time trawling!
    Isn't Fanny amazing at Les Contours....I am such a rotten user of the camera ....point and click...I get lucky when I get some good shots...but then there are people like you who know what they are doing with a camera (and you take beautiful shots in your garden) and then there's people like Fanny who are strong on the tech side and have a truly poetic eye with the camera.
    There is something so particular about the journey one goes on with obviously feel that too Em!
    Hope your D's still creating!
    Will visit your garden very soon!



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