Wednesday, September 9, 2009

back to the sketchbook: ink, aquarelle pencil, acrylics

mossy pool's edge

capturing that illusive movement of light through water

Rock pools

Looking out across the children's pool to the Pacific Ocean

These are 4 from a series of 10 small works I have been doing over a couple of days in preparation for a larger commissioned work. The first 2 images took by far the longest time as they involved rather intense study of the water...the second image in particular. I purposely wanted to keep the other 2 works quite light and quick, not getting too caught up in detail. An interesting diversion from the work I've been focused on - a disciplined but enjoyable approach to working out where I want to take the painting.
I recently found a particularly gorgeous sketchbook, smaller than A4, landscape format, with pages in a distinct off-white colour that felt quite liberating to be working on with inks ... white ink in particular. I do love my Sennelier inks from France... they worked well with the Caran Dache aquarelle pencils and Gold acrylics. The white ink is Australian - Art Spectrum - and I'm on to my second 500 ml bottle in not so long. I cant believe that I am still using one particular brush I've had for yonks that was not remotely expensive, and is looking thin and worn...but it has some magic property I adore. Basically it is a little hard to control and that makes for me a better, freer mark that I rely on to keep me from loosing myself in some notion of perfection not very suited to my aesthetic.
Its late I just realised. Lost a couple of hours figuring out the scanning and importing images process. I seem to forget these things and have to relearn each time! Still, a year ago I didn't have my Mac, had very ordinary documentation, tech skills and such. Compared to that I'm laughing now!


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