Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sustainability Day- for local Brisbane residents...

Find out more here about this excellent event being organised, in no small part, by Marilena Stanton (in conjunction with Hillbrook Anglican School) whom I've  had the pleasure to get to know recently. She visited my studio a couple of months ago with pumpkin scones and goodies from her garden (doesn't this announce a life force to be noticed!). Soon we had a plan that centred on Seeds, Seed-saving and Art. Soon after, through Marilena's connections, I met with Jason Halford at the 'Seeds for Life' project being conducted at Mt Cootha Botanical Gardens where I was able to learn more of this important work whilst volunteering with Jason and several others. Funding issues have temporarily gotten in the way unfortunately with this project- part of the Millenium Seed Bank Program. Stay tuned though! The  Sustainability day coming up in a few weeks will draw together some great speakers, projects and stall holders.


  1. You forgot to say that you'll be there with a stall too!

  2. Hi Chrissy,
    thanks...your right...I meant to and was sidetracked!
    I'll have to do another post or 2 in the next few weeks and mention things in more detail!
    Have a good weekend! Hope you popped a cork to celebrate your good news the other day!
    S x


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