Sunday, July 19, 2009

stormy weather...

I am fond of the photos that Fanny takes for her lovely blog Les contours du Silence which i have featured before. Her eye for interesting details draws me to look frequently to see if she has been on a journey or just wandering around her gorgeous garden or local environment where she seems to find some magic even in the most simple things. Suddenly the mood seemed to change the other day, and not able to read french (Fanny lives in a village in South West France by the way) I wrote to see what had happened. She patiently wrote in English to tell me of the wild storm that cut through her region nnd brought damage to her vegetable garden, particularly tomato plants, and fruit trees. It sounds like such a haven where she lives on a former farm. I hope there was not too much damage all up Fanny!


  1. hi sophie, i just love your blog, and so does my daughter! it's very inspiration for her...

    you asked about honey bees... none of the photos i posted were of honey bees... i do see them once in a while, but not as much as i used to. we are really having trouble with them here in the US.

    i can't wait to go to this french blog and read all about the huge hail! thanks.

  2. So lovely to hear this Em! And a big hello to your daughter!
    I used to listen for hours in my studio to Radio National- our brilliant national broadcaster...but the stories on things like the disappearing Bees got me down so much I stopped listening in order to keep my mind off such worries and instead focus on something I could contribute.
    I would love to post something about your fab blog and the wonderful things you plant etc. i shall be in touch to get permission.
    You know, I am a painter who absolutely adores abstract painting in particular...but have a strong interest many forms of visual and other arts.
    I am finding my passion for nature and gardens and the people who care for or cultivate the earth is growing every day to counter the feelings of loss for this planet in such tremendous vulnerability caused by too much human forgetfulness!
    Your garden is magic as in Fanny's in France and so many others I hear or read about...they are like works of art actually!


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