Thursday, July 16, 2009

found at hello sandwich...


Loved this and other similar images from US based clever people at Studio Choo (seriously worth a peek) posted on the fabulously quirky and engaging blog hello sandwich

Also at hello Sandwich was this image from a post on Sunday also titled: A handwritten letter to everyone.

Hello Greenie! Its world environment day!  from June 5th Post...this girls on a mission! now it just gets much more interesting. I just found this great photo of this multi-talented blogger on this interview at Design Files. Its a Must See!
The interview for sure...and the blog is pretty excellent too!

Matsudo Sandwich Mountain, mxed media on paper, 30 x 20 cm, 2008.  A recent work by Ebony Bizys, who is  - Hello Sandwich. Read the interview for great, and i mean great visuals...and an excellent intro to the world of Ebony... -HS


  1. Ow this is just so sweet of you! :) Thank you so much I am flattered!
    Hope you had a gorgeous weekend.
    Love Love
    Hello Sandwich

  2. It was such a pleasure Miss hello Sandwich! you have many fans and it is easy to see why...
    Keep inspiring us all!
    I did have a very lovely, peaceful weekend...thank you.
    S x


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