Thursday, June 25, 2009

Olivia knits up some colour!

This is my mother Olivia in front of a painting of mine that seems to echo the horizontal and vertical timber detailing so prevelant in these older Qld style homes. Below are a few projects of Olivia's which are very colourful. She is primarily passionate about music... singing in particular..... mostly classical music, but has always loved sewing and creating all kinds of things for her home and others.

This is the back verandah, which is rather a pleasant place to paint. The cloth hanging over the rail was made at my studio in Melbourne many years ago when I was doing a lot of textile work. This cloth was something of a collaboration between Olivia and myself from a time long ago when she was holidaying  and looking for a creative project. I had a lot of lino-cut tiles and templates and set her up with paints and went off and came back now and then to add some colour or another layer of print. Built up rather like a patchwork quilt it has been the perfect table cloth for this tropical climate... so is well loved and has been  brought out for a great many special dinners over the years.
These 2 knitted rugs are the colourful result of a past time for Olivia where she uses wool collected here and there, then assembled into some interesting colour combinations, knitted in panels , and finally sewn up and lined. They are then given away to organisations needing donations of blankets and clothing. I had decided to purchase these 2 after falling for the one on the left. However I wasn't quick enough. Once the one on the right was completed they were bundled off as a winter contribution to hopefully someone with a love of colour as well as a need for a lovely new warm blanket. When these knitted works started evolving I could see how the influence of certain abstract paintings had wandered across to these rugs.


  1. I LOVE that you guys feed off each other's creativity. It's so beautiful!!! You talented pair, you!

  2. Thanks for the lovely comment Chrissy....Mum was thrilled!
    S x

  3. here's a comment from a gorgeous friend Maureen in Newcastle whom I mentioned in the recent post: '2 new projects' who sent her message via email this morning:-

    " who'd have thought that under that calm exterior lay a riot of colour and creativity? Great stuff Olivia. I'll have to show my Mum the rugs as she has a group of friends that also knit for whoever needs some loving warmth and these are inspiring. Much love Maureen."

  4. I have just found you thru Steven Alexander's blog when he posted "Beach Reveri" WOW was I blown away. I also love the journal page - the red background with the white seedpods. Where do you sell your work?

  5. Hello Pattynubs...what a lovely reader! You are so kind! I do love Steven Alexander's blog...and I am delighted you found me. I'm hoping you read this as I was unable to email you Yes i do sell my work and if you email on View complete profile...there you will find my email and can drop me a line.
    best wishes,

  6. I too love the rug on the left. Bright colours to add to your day!
    Just clicked through from absolutely beautiful things.

    I will be back...

  7. My mother is delighted to have her rugs being viewed and at the lovely comments being left. Thanks for visiting Yvonne. i just checked out your blog and you seem to have found a very beautiful place in the world to live....i l o v e New Zealand!!!
    best wishes with all your endeavours!

  8. another email to Olivia from her friend, the gorgeous Marlene to say she loved viewing the rugs and photos...and she can see where the creativity comes from!

    Thank you Marlene!


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