Go to lisacongdon.com for more images and info. Lisa started painting 8 years ago, aged 33...and has a distinctive style, largely 'unschooled', and yet it's strong work and she has been featured in all kinds of publications and developed a very good profile for her various strands of work.
Lisa pictured here. She is also partner in Rare Device , a storefront in San Francisco to promote designers, artists, and artisans. Exhibitions are conducted in one section of the store separated off for the purpose...so the product section is not in competition with the exhibition currently showing. This is perhaps a growing trend as an alternative to the conventional commercial gallery....suited more possibly to people setting out to establish themselves. Rare Device comes across as a very well facillitated venture, with some major benefits for artists showing in this venue....like the commission on work not as steep for artists, and the strong client base the store has cultivated and knows how to draw on. Its fairly safe to say this is not always the case for a percentage of galleries who for whatever reason fall down on fostering a healthy audience for their artists. Such ventures as these are a huge asset to both the creative participants and the broader community who may be that much more open to coming into this kind of space to see a show..... always exciting to hear about such vibrant projects.
Lisa's blog is here.
Lisa's blog is here.
Thanks for posting this - I love Lisa's work!